California Department of Education
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Special Education Administrative Hearing Decisions (SEAHD)


Site Contents

  • This web site contains the Special Education Hearing Offices (SEHO) Administrative Hearing Decisions from 1993 to 2005.
  • Decisions from July 1, 2005 to present are maintained by Ca. Gov Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) Ca. Gov Office of Administrative Hearings external link. The database for these decisions are not maintained by or under the control of the California Department of Education (CDE)


You can search for terms in the body of the decision as well as any term in the headings by inserting a word or phrase into the "Search Term" box. The search is not case sensitive.

Examples of the decisions returned using various search terms combinations:

"Search" lists all the decisions on this site that contains the "Search Term".
"Exact Search" not checked:
  • San Diego: If either "San" or "Diego" are in the body of the decision or heading, a decision will be returned.
  • Autism:  If "autism" is in the body of the decision or heading, a decision will be returned.
  • visual impairment:  If either "visual" or "impairment" is in the body of the decision or heading, a decision will be returned.
"Exact Search" checked:
  • San Diego: If the phase "San Diego" is in the body of the decision or heading, a decision will be returned.
  • visual impairment:  If the phase "visual impairment" is in the body of the decision or heading, a decision will be returned.
"List All" lists all the decisions on this site.


Search Term:

Questions:  Policy Program Services Office |

California Department of Education
1430 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814