You can search for terms in the body of the decision as well as any term in the
headings by inserting a word or phrase into the "Search Term" box. The search is
not case sensitive.
Examples of the decisions returned using various search terms combinations:
"Search" lists all the decisions on this site that contains the "Search Term".
"Exact Search" not checked:
- San Diego: If either "San"
or "Diego" are in the body of the decision or heading, a decision will be
- Autism: If "autism" is
in the body of the decision or heading, a decision will be returned.
- visual impairment: If
either "visual" or "impairment" is in the body of the decision or heading,
a decision will be returned.
"Exact Search" checked:
- San Diego: If the phase
"San Diego" is in the body of the decision or heading, a decision will be returned.
- visual impairment: If
the phase "visual impairment" is in the body of the decision or heading, a decision
will be returned.
"List All" lists all the decisions on this site.