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California Department of Education A logo depicting elements of public education. A globe, a student at school, a computer lab, and a  school bus

Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program

LEA Request for Payment from CDE for Withholdings Made During the 2023-24 School Year

The survey is no longer available. The submission period ended at 11:59 PM PT Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Logon Instructions:
  • School districts and county offices of education that elected to participate in the Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program must request payment from the California Department of Education on or before July 31, 2024.

  • Note: Only those LEAs that reported estimated data as provided in the Schedule of Estimated State Match Funding for the applicable year, available at, may request payment.

  • If you need to retrieve the password for your LEA, please select the County and LEA from the drop downs below. Then click the link that appears to retrieve your password.

  • Select your LEA from the drop down list. Enter your password and select the “Logon” button to access the application.

  • Use the California School Directory to verify the contact info for the district or county superintendent: Follow the instructions in the California School Directory to update the superintendent’s contact information.

The survey must be received by 11:59 PM PT Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Minimum Web Browser Requirement


California Department of Education
1430 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

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