Education Data Collection System(EDCS)

EDCS Instructions

User Login

Welcome to the Education Data Collection System.

Access to EDCS has been provided to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) LEA Administrator. If your LEA has determined that a staff member other than the CALPADS LEA Administrator needs access, the CALPADS LEA Administrator must request access to EDCS for that staff by sending an email to In the subject line of the email put 'Requesting EDCS Access', and in the email, provide the following information about the staff person for whom access is being requested: First and Last Name, Position, Email, Phone Number.

If you are unsure whether you are the CALPADS LEA Administrator, or if you do know who the CALPADS LEA Administrator is, you may look up your LEA’s CALPADS LEA Administrator from the Search LEA CALPADS Administrator web page.

If you do not have a password or if you have forgotten your password select the Reset password link.

Enter your email address and EDCS password.

Questions: EDCS Support |