Pursuant to California
Education Code (EC) sections 60640(l)(1) and 60810(a)(3), the Superintendent shall apportion funds to local educational agencies (LEA) to enable them to meet the requirements for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). Assessment apportionment funding is provided to LEAs to reimburse the costs associated with administering these assessments. The amount apportioned to each LEA is based on the number of pupils tested during each school year. The LEA apportionment rate per pupil per test is established by the California State Board of Education.
Apportionments are not paid to LEAs until the following fiscal year after all testing has been completed for the school year. Funds are considered unrestricted and should be accounted for as Income Account or Revenue Object Code 8590 (Resource Code 0000) of the General Fund. Assessment apportionments are separate and not included in the
Local Control Funding Formula.
The purpose of this application is to allow LEAs to certify their apportionment data, as required by regulations. Before certifying, LEAs should verify the accuracy of their student data by reviewing their file available in the SAAS. Once an LEA has reviewed their file for accuracy they will certify that data. The certification will be used by the California Department of Education (CDE) for issuing apportionment reimbursements.
Apportionment Rates for CAASPP 2023–24 |
$4.00 per pupil administered any portion of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics |
$2.00 per pupil administered any portion of the California Science Test (CAST) |
$5.00 per pupil administered any portion of the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for ELA and mathematics |
$5.00 per pupil administered any portion of the CAA for Science |
$5.00 per eligible EL pupil administered any portion of the California Spanish Assessment |
$1.00 for preparing and providing required electronic test registration information to the contractor for each pupil mandated to be tested who was not tested because of a significant medical emergency, or parent/guardian exemption |
$2.52 per-pupil LEA apportionment reimbursement rate for CDE-certified grade two diagnostic tests administered during the 2023–24 school year, at the option and cost of the LEA per EC Section 60644. |
Apportionment Rates for ELPAC 2023–24 |
$5.50 per eligible English learner (EL) pupil administered any portion of the initial assessment, kindergarten–grade two [one-on-one administration] |
$5.00 per eligible EL pupil administered any portion of the initial assessment, grades three–twelve |
$5.50 per eligible EL pupil administered any portion of the initial alternate ELPAC, kindergarten–grade twelve [one-on-one administration] |
$0.50 per eligible EL pupil administered the Initial Rotating Score Validation Process, kindergarten–grade twelve |
$5.50 per eligible EL pupil administered any portion of the summative assessment, kindergarten–grade two [one-on-one administration] |
$5.00 per eligible EL pupil administered any portion of the summative assessment, grades three–twelve |
$5.50 per eligible EL pupil administered any portion of the summative alternate ELPAC, kindergarten–grade twelve [one-on-one administration] |
Logon instructions:
- Select the appropriate program from the Program dropdown menu
- Find your LEA from the Agency dropdown menu
- Enter your unique PIN
- Click “Logon”