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Arts Standards


Showing 1 - 10 of 390 Standards

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Cr1

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Creating
Anchor Standard: 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

Enduring Understanding: The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of sources.
Essential Question(s): How do musicians generate creative ideas?
Process Component(s): Imagine

Performance Standard(s):
a. With substantial guidance, explore and experience a variety of music.

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Cr2

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Creating
Anchor Standard: 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work

Enduring Understanding: Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their expertise, context, and expressive intent
Essential Question(s): How do musicians make creative decisions?
Process Component(s): Plan & Make

Performance Standard(s):
a. With substantial guidance, explore favorite musical ideas (such as movements, vocalizations, or instrumental accompaniments). b. With substantial guidance, select and keep track of the order for performing original musical ideas, using iconic notation and/or recording technology.

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Cr3.1

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Creating
Anchor Standard: 3: Refine and complete artistic work

Enduring Understanding: 3.1 Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of appropriate criteria.
Essential Question(s): How do musicians improve the quality of their creative work?
Process Component(s): Evaluate and Refine

Performance Standard(s):
With substantial guidance, consider personal, peer, and teacher feedback when demonstrating and refining personal musical ideas.

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Cr3.2

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Creating
Anchor Standard: 3: Refine and complete artistic work

Enduring Understanding: 3.2 Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communication.
Essential Question(s): When is creative work ready to share?
Process Component(s): Present

Performance Standard(s):
With substantial guidance, share revised personal musical ideas with peers.

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Pr4.1

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Performing
Anchor Standard: 4. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation

Enduring Understanding: 4.1 Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical works, understanding of their own technical skill, and the context for a performance influence the selection of repertoire.
Essential Question(s): How do performers select repertoire?
Process Component(s): Select

Performance Standard(s):
With substantial guidance, demonstrate and state personal interest in varied musical selections.

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Pr4.2

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Performing
Anchor Standard: 4. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation

Enduring Understanding: 4.2 Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their intent and informs performance.
Essential Question(s): How does understanding the structure and context of musical works inform performance?
Process Component(s): Analyze

Performance Standard(s):
a. With substantial guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of musical contrasts such as high/low, loud/soft, fast/slow.

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Pr4.3

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Performing
Anchor Standard: 4. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation

Enduring Understanding: 4.3 Performers make interpretive decisions based on their understanding of context and expressive intent.
Essential Question(s): How do performers interpret musical works?
Process Component(s): Interpret

Performance Standard(s):
With substantial guidance, explore music’s expressive qualities (such as voice quality, dynamics, and tempo).

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Pr5

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Performing
Anchor Standard: 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation

Enduring Understanding: To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, evaluate, and refine their performance over time through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of appropriate criteria.
Essential Question(s): How do musicians improve the quality of their performance?
Process Component(s): Rehearse, Evaluate, and Refine

Performance Standard(s):
a. With substantial guidance, practice and demonstrate what they like about their own performances. b. With substantial guidance, apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback to refine performances.

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Pr6

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Performing
Anchor Standard: 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work

Enduring Understanding: Musicians judge performance based on criteria that vary across time, place, and cultures. The context and how a work is presented influence audience response.
Essential Question(s): When is a performance judged ready to present? How do context and the manner in which musical work is presented influence audience response?
Process Component(s): Present

Performance Standard(s):
a. With substantial guidance, perform music with expression. b. With substantial guidance, demonstrate performance decorum appropriate for the audience.

Standard Identifier: PK.MU:Re7.1

Grade: TK
Discipline: Music
Subdiscipline: TK-8
Artistic Process: Responding
Anchor Standard: 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work

Enduring Understanding: 7.1 Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced by their interests, experiences, understandings, and purposes.
Essential Question(s): How do individuals choose music to experience?
Process Component(s): Select

Performance Standard(s):
With substantial guidance, state personal interests and demonstrate why they prefer some music selections over others.

Showing 1 - 10 of 390 Standards

Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881