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Career Technical Education (Pathways) Standards


Showing 1 - 10 of 3818 Standards

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.0

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.1

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Performance Indicator:
View and respond to a variety of industry-related artistic products integrating industry appropriate vocabulary.

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.2

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Performance Indicator:
Identify and use the principles of design to discuss, analyze, and create projects and products across multiple industry applications.

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.3

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Performance Indicator:
Describe the use of the elements of art to express mood in digital or traditional art work found in the commercial environment.

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.4

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Performance Indicator:
Select industry-specific works and analyze the intent of the work and the appropriate use of media.

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.5

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Performance Indicator:
Research and analyze the work of an artist or designer and how the artist's distinctive style contributes to their industry production.

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.6

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Performance Indicator:
Compare and analyze art work done using electronic media with those done with materials traditionally used in the visual arts.

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.7

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Performance Indicator:
Analyze and discuss complex ideas, such as distortion, color theory, arbitrary color, scale, expressive content, and real versus virtual in works of art.

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.8

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Performance Indicator:
Compare how distortion is used in a variety of media to modify the message being communicated.

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.A.1.9

Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Pathway: Design, Visual, and Media Arts Pathway

Pathway Standard:
Demonstrate ability to reorganize and integrate visual art elements across digital media and design applications.

Performance Indicator:
Analyze the material used by a given artist and describe how its use influences the meaning of the work.

Showing 1 - 10 of 3818 Standards

Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881