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English Language Development Standards


Showing 31 - 33 of 33 Standards

Standard Identifier: ELD.PI.11–12.5.Br

Grade Range: 11–12
Critical Principle: Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways
Cluster: B. Interpretive
Proficiency Level: Bridging
Content Strand: Listening actively

Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations and discussions on a variety of social and academic topics by asking and answering detailed and complex questions that show thoughtful consideration of the ideas or arguments with light support.

Standard Identifier: ELD.PI.11–12.5.Em

Grade Range: 11–12
Critical Principle: Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways
Cluster: B. Interpretive
Proficiency Level: Emerging
Content Strand: Listening actively

Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations and discussions on familiar social and academic topics by asking and answering questions with prompting and substantial support.

Standard Identifier: ELD.PI.11–12.5.Ex

Grade Range: 11–12
Critical Principle: Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways
Cluster: B. Interpretive
Proficiency Level: Expanding
Content Strand: Listening actively

Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations and discussions on a variety of social and academic topics by asking and answering questions that show thoughtful consideration of the ideas or arguments with moderate support.

Showing 31 - 33 of 33 Standards

Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881