History–Social Science Standards
Showing 71 - 80 of 618 Standards
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.4.1
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Overarching Standard:
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Determine the reasons for rules, laws, and the U.S. Constitution; the role of citizenship in the promotion of rules and laws; and the consequences for people who violate rules and laws.
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Determine the reasons for rules, laws, and the U.S. Constitution; the role of citizenship in the promotion of rules and laws; and the consequences for people who violate rules and laws.
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.4.2
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Overarching Standard:
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Discuss the importance of public virtue and the role of citizens, including how to participate in a classroom, in the community, and in civic life.
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Discuss the importance of public virtue and the role of citizens, including how to participate in a classroom, in the community, and in civic life.
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.4.3
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Overarching Standard:
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Know the histories of important local and national landmarks, symbols, and essential documents that create a sense of community among citizens and exemplify cherished ideals (e.g., the U.S. flag, the bald eagle, the Statue of Liberty, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Capitol).
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Know the histories of important local and national landmarks, symbols, and essential documents that create a sense of community among citizens and exemplify cherished ideals (e.g., the U.S. flag, the bald eagle, the Statue of Liberty, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Capitol).
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.4.4
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Overarching Standard:
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Understand the three branches of government, with an emphasis on local government.
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Understand the three branches of government, with an emphasis on local government.
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.4.5
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Overarching Standard:
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Describe the ways in which California, the other states, and sovereign American Indian tribes contribute to the making of our nation and participate in the federal system of government.
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Describe the ways in which California, the other states, and sovereign American Indian tribes contribute to the making of our nation and participate in the federal system of government.
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.4.6
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Overarching Standard:
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Describe the lives of American heroes who took risks to secure our freedoms (e.g., Anne Hutchinson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr.).
HSS-3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
Describe the lives of American heroes who took risks to secure our freedoms (e.g., Anne Hutchinson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Jr.).
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.5
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region.
Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region.
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.5.1
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Overarching Standard:
HSS-3.5 Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region.
Describe the ways in which local producers have used and are using natural resources, human resources, and capital resources to produce goods and services in the past and the present.
HSS-3.5 Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region.
Describe the ways in which local producers have used and are using natural resources, human resources, and capital resources to produce goods and services in the past and the present.
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.5.2
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Overarching Standard:
HSS-3.5 Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region.
Understand that some goods are made locally, some elsewhere in the United States, and some abroad.
HSS-3.5 Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region.
Understand that some goods are made locally, some elsewhere in the United States, and some abroad.
Standard Identifier: HSS-3.5.3
Continuity and Change, Grade 3
Overarching Standard:
HSS-3.5 Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region.
Understand that individual economic choices involve trade-offs and the evaluation of benefits and costs.
HSS-3.5 Students demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills and an understanding of the economy of the local region.
Understand that individual economic choices involve trade-offs and the evaluation of benefits and costs.
Showing 71 - 80 of 618 Standards
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