CTE.AME.KPAS.4.5 (Career Technical Education – Anchors)
Standard Identifier:
Content Area:
Career Technical Education – Anchors
Grade Range:
Industry Sector:
Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Content Area:
Anchor Standard:
Use existing and emerging technology to investigate, research, and produce products and services, including new information, as required in the Arts, Media, and Entertainment sector workplace environment. (Direct alignment to W.11-12.6)
Performance Indicator:
Research past, present, and projected technological advances as they impact a particular pathway.
Use existing and emerging technology to investigate, research, and produce products and services, including new information, as required in the Arts, Media, and Entertainment sector workplace environment. (Direct alignment to W.11-12.6)
Performance Indicator:
Research past, present, and projected technological advances as they impact a particular pathway.
Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division |
CFIRD@cde.ca.gov | 916-319-0881