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CTE.AME.KPAS.5.4 (Career Technical Education – Anchors)

Standard Identifier: CTE.AME.KPAS.5.4
Content Area: Career Technical Education – Anchors
Grade Range: 7-12
Industry Sector: Arts, Media, and Entertainment
Content Area: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Anchor Standard:
Conduct short, as well as more sustained, research to create alternative solutions to answer a question or solve a problem unique to the Arts, Media, and Entertainment sector using critical and creative thinking, logical reasoning, analysis, inquiry, and problem-solving techniques. (Direct alignment to W.11-12.7)

Performance Indicator:
Interpret information and draw conclusions, based on the best analysis, to make informed decisions.

Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881