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K-2.AP.16 (Computer Science)

Standard Identifier: K-2.AP.16
Content Area: Computer Science
Grade Range: K–2
Concept: Algorithms & Programming
Subconcept: Program Development
Practice(s): Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts (6.2)

Debug errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.

Descriptive Statement:
Algorithms or programs may not always work correctly. Students use various strategies, such as changing the sequence of the steps, following the algorithm in a step-by-step manner, or trial and error to fix problems in algorithms and programs. For example, when given images placed in a random order, students could give step-by-step commands to direct a robot, or a student playing a robot, to navigate to the images in the correct sequence. Examples of images include storyboard cards from a familiar story (CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy RL.K.2, RL.1.2, RL.2.2) and locations of the sun at different times of the day (CA NGSS: 1-ESS1-1). Alternatively, students could "program" the teacher or another classmate by giving precise instructions to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or navigate around the classroom. When the teacher or classmate doesn't respond as intended, students correct their commands. Additionally, students could receive a partially completed soundboard program that has a variety of animals programmed to play a corresponding sound when the user touches them. Students correct any sounds that don't match the animal (e.g., if the cat moos, students change the moo sound to meow).

Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881