HS-PS2-3 (Science (CA NGSS))
Standard Identifier:
Content Area:
Science (CA NGSS)
Grade Range:
Disciplinary Core Idea:
PS2.A: Forces and Motion, ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems, ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution
Cross Cutting Concept:
CCC-2: Cause and Effect: Mechanism and Explanation
Science & Engineering Practice:
SEP-6: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Content Area:
Physical Science
Title: HS-PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
Performance Expectation: Apply science and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on a macroscopic object during a collision.* [Clarification Statement: Examples of evaluation and refinement could include determining the success of the device at protecting an object from damage and modifying the design to improve it. Examples of a device could include a football helmet or a parachute.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to qualitative evaluations and/or algebraic manipulations.]
Disciplinary Core Idea(s):
PS2.A: Forces and Motion If a system interacts with objects outside itself, the total momentum of the system can change; however, any such change is balanced by changes in the momentum of objects outside the system. ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems Criteria and constraints also include satisfying any requirements set by society, such as taking issues of risk mitigation into account, and they should be quantified to the extent possible and stated in such a way that one can tell if a given design meets them. (secondary to HS-PS2-3) ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution Criteria may need to be broken down into simpler ones that can be approached systematically, and decisions about the priority of certain criteria over others (trade-offs) may be needed. (secondary to HS-PS2-3)
Science & Engineering Practices: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions Apply scientific ideas to solve a design problem, taking into account possible unanticipated effects.
Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and Effect Systems can be designed to cause a desired effect.
California Environmental Principles and Concepts:
California Common Core State Standards Connections:
ELA/Literacy WHST.9-12.7: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
DCI Connections:
Connections to other DCIs in this grade-band: N/A Articulation across grade-bands: MS.PS2.A; MS.PS3.C
Performance Expectation: Apply science and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on a macroscopic object during a collision.* [Clarification Statement: Examples of evaluation and refinement could include determining the success of the device at protecting an object from damage and modifying the design to improve it. Examples of a device could include a football helmet or a parachute.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to qualitative evaluations and/or algebraic manipulations.]
Disciplinary Core Idea(s):
PS2.A: Forces and Motion If a system interacts with objects outside itself, the total momentum of the system can change; however, any such change is balanced by changes in the momentum of objects outside the system. ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems Criteria and constraints also include satisfying any requirements set by society, such as taking issues of risk mitigation into account, and they should be quantified to the extent possible and stated in such a way that one can tell if a given design meets them. (secondary to HS-PS2-3) ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution Criteria may need to be broken down into simpler ones that can be approached systematically, and decisions about the priority of certain criteria over others (trade-offs) may be needed. (secondary to HS-PS2-3)
Science & Engineering Practices: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions Apply scientific ideas to solve a design problem, taking into account possible unanticipated effects.
Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and Effect Systems can be designed to cause a desired effect.
California Environmental Principles and Concepts:
California Common Core State Standards Connections:
ELA/Literacy WHST.9-12.7: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
DCI Connections:
Connections to other DCIs in this grade-band: N/A Articulation across grade-bands: MS.PS2.A; MS.PS3.C
Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division |
CFIRD@cde.ca.gov | 916-319-0881