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HS-ESS2-6 (Science (CA NGSS))

Standard Identifier: HS-ESS2-6
Content Area: Science (CA NGSS)
Grade Range: 9–12
Disciplinary Core Idea: ESS2.D: Weather and Climate
Cross Cutting Concept: CCC-5: Energy and Matter: Flows, Cycles, and Conservation
Science & Engineering Practice: SEP-2: Developing and Using Models
Content Area: Earth and Space Science

Title: HS-ESS2 Earth’s Systems

Performance Expectation: Develop a quantitative model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on modeling biogeochemical cycles that include the cycling of carbon through the ocean, atmosphere, soil, and biosphere (including humans), providing the foundation for living organisms.]

Disciplinary Core Idea(s):
ESS2.D: Weather and Climate Gradual atmospheric changes were due to plants and other organisms that captured carbon dioxide and released oxygen. Changes in the atmosphere due to human activity have increased carbon dioxide concentrations and thus affect climate.

Science & Engineering Practices: Developing and Using Models Develop a model based on evidence to illustrate the relationships between systems or between components of a system.

Crosscutting Concepts: Energy and Matter The total amount of energy and matter in closed systems is conserved.

California Environmental Principles and Concepts:
Principle III Natural systems proceed through cycles that humans depend upon, benefit from, and can alter. Principle IV The exchange of matter between natural systems and human societies affects the long-term functioning of both.

California Common Core State Standards Connections:
Mathematics MP.2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MP.4: Model with mathematics. N-Q.1-3: Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems.

DCI Connections:
Connections to other DCIs in this grade-band: HS.PS1.A; HS.PS1.B Articulation across grade-bands: MS.PS1.A; MS.PS3.D; MS.PS4.B; MS.LS2.B; MS.ESS2.A; MS.ESS2.B; MS.ESS2.C; MS.ESS3.C; MS.ESS3.D

Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881