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Adv.DA:Pr6 (Arts)

Standard Identifier: Adv.DA:Pr6
Content Area: Arts
Grade Range: Advanced
Discipline: Dance
Artistic Process: Performing
Anchor Standard: 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work

Enduring Understanding: Dance performance is an interaction between performer, production elements, and audience that heightens and amplifies artistic expression.
Essential Question(s): How does a dancer heighten artistry in a public performance?
Process Component(s): Present

Performance Standard(s):
a. Demonstrate leadership qualities (e.g. commitment, dependability, responsibility, and cooperation) when preparing for performances. Model performance etiquette and performance practices during class, rehearsal and performance. Enhance performance using a broad repertoire of strategies for dynamic projection. Develop a professional portfolio that documents the rehearsal and performance process with fluency in professional dance terminology and production terminology. b. Work collaboratively to produce dance concerts in a variety of venues and design and organize the production elements that would be necessary to fulfill the artistic intent of the dance works in each of the venues.

Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881