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WL.CM6.A (World Languages)

Standard Identifier: WL.CM6.A
Content Area: World Languages
Grade Range: Advanced
Strand: Communication
Substrand: Productive Structures in Service of Communication

Communicate about topics of general public interest. Use knowledge of sentence-level elements (morphology and syntax in major time frames) and paragraph-level discourse (text structure).

Students use the following structures to communicate: sounds, parameters, and writing systems (Novice); basic word and sentence formation (Intermediate); structures for major time frames and text structures for paragraph-level discourse (Advanced); all structures and text structures for extended discourse (Superior). Students use the following language text types to communicate: learned words, signs and fingerspelling, and phrases (Novice); sentences and strings of sentences (Intermediate); paragraphs and strings of paragraphs (Advanced); or coherent, cohesive multi-paragraph texts (Superior).

Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881