Education Data Collection System(EDCS)

State Seal of Civic Engagement(SSCE) Data Submission
SSCE Instructions

SSCE Instructions

Importing State Seal of Civic Engagement Data to the Education Data Collection System


The purpose of submitting this information is to provide the CDE with the individual students who earn the State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) for determining its use in the College/Career Indicator (CCI) on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard). For further details on the CCI, please refer to the College/Career Indicator web page. Information and resources regarding the SSCE can be found on the SSCE web page.

The CDE communicates information about this collection to:

  1. Accountability and Dashboard Coordinators, who will understand the potential use of these data in the Dashboard, and should facilitate the collection of these data from school sites for submission to the CDE,
  2. LEA SSCE contacts, and
  3. California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) LEA Administrators, who will be able to access the EDCS to import data. (See Step 3 below for how to request access to EDCS for staff who are not the CALPADS LEA Administrator.)

Before Submitting

Please read these instructions and view the samples below to better collect, format and import your students' State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) data for the reporting year to the Education Data Collection System (EDCS).

Step 1 Data Collection

LEAs should first identify all schools that participate in the SSCE program and who will award a State Seal of Civic Engagement in the reporting year to students who meet program requirements. LEAs should then coordinate the submission of all results from each participating school for the reporting school year to the EDCS.

The CALPADS LEA Administrator has been provided access to the EDCS and will be the primary point of contact for communications regarding the submission of SSCE data to EDCS. The CALPADS LEA Administrator, however, is not required to import data to EDCS, and may request access to EDCS for other staff to import data. Refer to Step 3 below for how the CALPADS LEA Administrator can request access to EDCS for other staff, and how staff who have been provided access can create a password and login into the system.

LEAs will submit data for students earning the SSCE in the 2023-2024 school year. For each student earning a SSCE, LEAs will submit:

  1. County-district-school (CDS) code where the student is enrolled
  2. Statewide Student Identifier (SSID)
  3. Local student identifier
  4. Grade level
  5. Document type to which the seal was affixed (e.g. diploma, transcript, etc.)

Step 2 Create Import File

Once you have gathered your individual student SSCE information, you will need to format a text file to import to EDCS. The file may be a comma delimited, or caret delimited file with a .CSV or .TXT extension.

Follow the next steps to create a CSV file ready for import to the system.

  1. Open a workbook in a spreadsheet editing program (such as Excel) or download the SSCE Sample CSV Data File.
  2. In the order listed below, format your header row (first row of the worksheet) with each attribute as the column header. Below is an explanation of each data field. All data fields are required.
    1. academic_year: This is the academic year for which data are being reported. Format must be CCYY-CCYY. This year, LEAs will be reporting students who earned the SSCE in 2023-2024. Therefore this field must be populated with 2023-2024.
    2. cds_code: This is the 14-digit unique county, district, school code where the student is enrolled. Make sure a code that starts with 0 retains the 0 in the file. To search County, District and School information, select the CDE School Directory link.
    3. ssid: This is the 10-digit unique CALPADS Statewide Student Identifier for the student.
    4. local_student_id: This is the student's local student identifier assigned by the LEA.
    5. grade_level: This is the student’s grade level for the reported academic year. This field must be populated with grade 11 or 12.
    6. doc_type: This is the document type to which the seal was affixed. Accepted document types are D, T, C or G (Diploma, Transcript, Certification of Completion, GED Certificate).
  3. There is not a limit to the number of schools or students that can be imported. All schools for a LEA must be in one file. Some example files are provided below:

    Here is an example of a CSV file using spreadsheet software which includes 2 students:
    Screenshot of spreadsheet showing data for two schools
    Here is an example of the same file using a text editor:
    Screenshot of text editor showing data for two schools

  4. Review your file to ensure all data are valid and accurate. EDCS will validate that the file is formatted correctly, that there are no duplicate records, SSIDs, or local ids, and that all codes are valid. EDCS will not validate that the SSID is valid or that the student earning the SSCE was enrolled at the school. Therefore, it is critical that LEAS ensure that the submitted SSID, and the associated SSCE record is accurate for each student. If the SSID is not a valid SSID, or the student is not enrolled in a school in the LEA during the academic year being reported, then the student’s SSCE data will not be used.
  5. Once the file has been prepared and reviewed, save the file on your local computer with a .CSV or .TXT extension.
    Save the file with CSV extension
    Screenshot of saving file as csv
  6. Navigate to the SSCE Data Submission system to import your file.

Step 3 Navigating the SSCE Data Submission System

  1. Begin by selecting the EDCS Login link to open the Education Data Collection System web page.

    CALPADS LEA Administrators have been provided access to EDCS. The CALPADS LEA Administrator, however, is not required to import data to EDCS, as it is a local decision as to who will import data to EDCS. If a staff member other than the CALPADS LEA Administrator will import data to EDCS, the CALPADS LEA Administrator must request access to EDCS for that staff member by sending an email to Please put 'Request User Access' in the subject line, and provide in the body of the email, the following information for the staff member: First and last name, position, email, phone number.

    Note: CALPADS LEA Administrators are approved by the CDE and there are only one or two CALPADS LEA Administrators per LEA. If you are unsure who is your CALPADS LEA Administrator, use the Search LEA CALPADS Administrator web page.

  2. If you are the CALPADS LEA Administrator, or if you are another staff who has been granted access to EDCS, create your password by going to the EDCS Login page and clicking the 'Reset Password' link.
  3. Login with your CALPADS LEA Administrator email and password (or if you are not the CALPADS LEA Administrator and you have been provided access to EDCS, your email and password).
  4. Select the SSCE program and you will be redirected to the SSCE Dashboard page. From there, use the pull-down menu to select your LEA.
  5. Once you have selected your LEA, to initiate the import of SSCE data, select the Import SSCE Data for 2023-2024 button and you will be redirected to the SSCE Import page.
  6. Follow the instructions on the SSCE Import page. When you are ready to import your file, select the Choose File button, and a Windows Open dialog box will appear. Navigate to your file within the dialog box and select the file you want to import. Once you’ve selected your file, and the dialog box closes, you will see the file name of the selected file displayed.
  7. Once you have selected your file, select the Import SSCE Data for 2023-2024 button. EDCS will then begin importing your file.
  8. If the data in your file is valid, you will receive a message stating 'Import was successful'. However, if there is something wrong with the data in the file, or how the file is formatted you will receive an error message which will identify for each error, the row number that has the error along with a description of the error. You must correct all errors and then repeat the import process. The 'SSCE Training (DOCX)' document provides examples of errors and how to resolve them.
  9. Once you have successfully imported the file, navigate back to the SSCE Dashboard and confirm the file was submitted. You should see the file you just imported in the table under the 'Active Submission' section on the Dashboard. If there was a prior active file, that file should now be displayed in the table under the 'Archived Submissions' section.
  10. Remember that the file is a full replacement of the previously imported file. Therefore, after importing your file to EDCS, if you need to correct data or add students to the file, you will need to correct/add data to the file and reimport the file to EDCS. When the new file is submitted, it will replace the previous file.

For more detailed instructions, download SSCE Training (DOCX) document.

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