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School Library Standards


Showing 31 - 40 of 117 Standards

Standard Identifier: LIB.2.2.1

Grade: 2
Overarching Standard: 2. Students evaluate information

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will evaluate and analyze information to determine what is appropriate to address the scope of inquiry.

Determine the relevance of the information: a. Draw meaning from illustrations, photographs, diagrams, charts, graphs, maps, and captions. b. Review facts and details to clarify and organize ideas for notetaking. c. Understand that the Internet contains accurate and inaccurate information.

Standard Identifier: LIB.2.2.2

Grade: 2
Overarching Standard: 2. Students evaluate information

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will evaluate and analyze information to determine what is appropriate to address the scope of inquiry.

Assess the comprehensiveness, currency, credibility, authority, and accuracy of resources: a. Identify the purpose of an advertisement, including Internet pop-ups. b. Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between information and advertisements.

Standard Identifier: LIB.2.2.3

Grade: 2
Overarching Standard: 2. Students evaluate information

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will evaluate and analyze information to determine what is appropriate to address the scope of inquiry.

Consider the need for additional information: a. Recognize the need for additional information to answer questions posed by others.

Standard Identifier: LIB.2.3.1

Grade: 2
Overarching Standard: 3. Students use information

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will organize, synthesize, create, and communicate information.

Demonstrate ethical, legal, and safe use of information in print, media, and online resources: a. Demonstrate proper procedures and good citizenship in the library and online. b. Recognize that both the author and illustrator have ownership of their own creation. c. Demonstrate basic knowledge of the district or school’s acceptable-use policy. d. Understand that just as there are strangers in the real world, there are also strangers on the Internet. e. Adhere to privacy (nondisclosure of personal or family information) and safety guidelines (laws and policies) when using the Internet at school or home.

Standard Identifier: LIB.2.3.2

Grade: 2
Overarching Standard: 3. Students use information

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will organize, synthesize, create, and communicate information.

Draw conclusions and make informed decisions: a. Present information drawn from two sources.

Standard Identifier: LIB.2.3.3

Grade: 2
Overarching Standard: 3. Students use information

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will organize, synthesize, create, and communicate information.

Use information and technology creatively to answer a question, solve a problem, or enrich understanding: a. Present information to convey the main idea and supporting details about a topic. b. Record and present information with pictures, bar graphs, numbers, or written statements. c. Communicate with other students to explore options to a problem or an ending to a story. d. Use a diagram or chart to illustrate a presentation.

Standard Identifier: LIB.2.4.1

Grade: 2
Overarching Standard: 4. Students integrate information literacy skills into all areas of learning

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will independently pursue information to become a lifelong learner.

Read widely and use various media for information, personal interest, and lifelong learning: a. Read a good representation of grade-level-appropriate text, making progress toward the goal of reading 500,000 words annually by grade four (e.g., classic and contemporary literature, magazines, newspapers, online information). b. Select and use resources in a variety of formats to support personal interests, recreational goals, and pursuits.

Standard Identifier: LIB.2.4.2

Grade: 2
Overarching Standard: 4. Students integrate information literacy skills into all areas of learning

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will independently pursue information to become a lifelong learner.

Seek, produce, and share information: a. Share the source of the information obtained. b. Inform others creatively when new information about an area of interest is learned.

Standard Identifier: LIB.2.4.3

Grade: 2
Overarching Standard: 4. Students integrate information literacy skills into all areas of learning

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will independently pursue information to become a lifelong learner.

Appreciate and respond to creative expressions of information: a. Portray information visually to convey the main idea and supporting details about a topic. b. Understand how media affects the telling of a story and transmission of information (e.g., illustrations, photographs, music, video).

Standard Identifier: LIB.3.1.1

Grade: 3
Overarching Standard: 1. Students access information

Overarching Standard Description:
The student will access information by applying knowledge of the organization of libraries, print materials, digital media, and other sources.

Recognize the need for information: a. Identify key words within questions.

Showing 31 - 40 of 117 Standards

Questions: Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881